Time is TBD
|Location is TBD

Oras at Lokasyon
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
Tungkol sa Event
- For the purpose of exploring polarity, this event is designed for heterosexual individuals.
- To provide a compelling experience, we request a minimum number of registrations for this event.
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This is a subtly powerful practice evening, it's also a lot of self-paced fun as you practice the principles of polarity/opposites.
You're invited to approach this evening as though you’ve decided to learn to a new language. We all know that practice is imperative. And, like anything new, it can feel a little unknown or difficult at first but eventually, it will become easier. These same principles can be applied to your relational skills – with practice, your skills will improve and your confidence will grow. The possibilities really are endless.
This potent set of tools will enable you to accurately, cleanly, and powerfully explore the realms of creating chemistry and heartful connection in your own life and with others.
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Singles or partnered people are warmly welcomed.
- Flying Solo - An equal number of gendered tickets are available so go ahead and book yourself in and please know you won't be the only single there - this is an event for everyone, not just couples.
- Pigeon Pair - you do not have to be in an intimate relationship to book as a pigeon pair this is about balancing the genders for the sake of practice.
NOTE: No prior experience necessary. This is a gendered balanced event and a minimum number of participants are required so your prompt bookings are greatly appreciated.
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- We will be moving around and it's very difficult to cater to all the various room temperature preferences with heating/cooling so please wear layers, comfortable clothing. Please wear flat comfortable shoes or you're welcome to go shoeless, it's up to you or brings some socks for extra comfort in the colder months.
- The more comfortable you the better.
- Bring a water bottle and an open mind for playful exploration and fun.
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- Singles/Partnered people are warmly welcomed to attend who identify, present and use the pronouns male/he/men and female/she/women.
- You will be relating to many individuals of the opposite gender for the sake of practice.
- There is no nudity, nor any sexually explicit touching.
- Couples may choose to work together - however, you do learn an incredible amount about yourself from the people with who you don't have an intimate connection with but the choice is always yours.
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Invite Deep Connection - The first step in any human interaction is the ability to focus one’s attention and become intimate (which is different from s3xual) with the current set of circumstances. This includes feeling and awareness of oneself, which then, in turn, allows us to feel another being. You will be taught both the underlying principles of connection and a set of exercises that foster intimacy.
Experience Relaxed Heart Opening - Learning how to feel oneself and connect to another’s heart, combined with the ability to make oneself vulnerable and open to intimate interaction is practised in a set of exercises that facilitate relaxation and opening internally, as well as with another human. You will engage in an inquiry into deep heart communion.
Create Strong Chemistry - Learn how to artfully play with opposites, without getting caught in gender stereotypes or assuming rigid roles. You will be taught the principles of attraction and a range of new exercises to engender exploration and education in the participants.
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This is what people have said after attending...
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"Throughout the night I felt everything from empowerment, love, vulnerability, emotional, amazed and deeply connected to complete strangers. During some of the connections I learned that people I would usually dismiss for whatever reason as not compatible, I was able to see past these differences and connect."
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"Like everyone else, I'm guessing were right out of our comfort zones. But by the end of the evening very impressed with ourselves at breaking quite a few boundaries. Both known & unknown. Brilliant!! Again thank you for your course it left me on a high for the next 2 days."
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"I am single but was married for 17 years. I consider myself very open and connected with my own feelings, yet the night taught me more. The exercises were quite powerful. It took me until halfway through the night to realise just how tense and closed I was. But learning to see that, having someone else honestly tell me how I "come across", how I make them feel, was insightful."
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